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Library Services for the Fall

We’re Here to Help! This will be a very unusual semester as we navigate the challenges wrought by the pandemic, but we …

Staff Picks Week 3: Drawful

Staff Picks Week 3: Drawful

Welcome to week two of Staff Picks: Work-from-Home edition! In this series, our library staff will be recommending some of our favorite …

Welcome to New Staff: Sam Sharp!

Sam Sharp joined us this October as our new Access Services Associate: Evening Supervisor. She is the contact person for course reserves, …

Newsletter Issue V

The Harold is back with its fifth edition to keep you updated on everything related to the Library and KC. Find it …

Archives: Windows into Lives

There are many unforeseen revelations I’ve had since starting my work in archives. Some of them have been sparked through observing the …

The Harold: News and events from the Harold F. Johnson Library and Knowledge Commons

Welcome Back!!

The Library and Knowledge Commons welcomes all new and returning students!   Come visit us in the library and check out our new …

Archive your Div III!

Div III season is here!! At least, partly. Many of you are wrapping up your work this fall. The Harold F. Johnson …