Cuss #2
Title: Cuss #2 Creator: Shannon Date of Publication: 1992 Location: New Wilmington, PA Subject: Personal Tags: queer, poetry, rant, punk, gender, feminism, zines, racism Date Added: 2020-02-25
Title: Cuss #2 Creator: Shannon Date of Publication: 1992 Location: New Wilmington, PA Subject: Personal Tags: queer, poetry, rant, punk, gender, feminism, zines, racism Date Added: 2020-02-25
Title: Veneer #4 Creator: Talula and Forsythia Contributors: Joe, Pipi, Laura Pardo, Sara Date of Publication: 1995 Location: Granada Hills, CA Subject: Anarchy Tags: sandman, xena warrior princess, punk, riot grrrl, feminism, abortion, sex, gender, poetry, comic, zines Date Added: 2020-02-25
Title: All Around the Town with Nothing to do!!! #1 Creator: K.H. Date of Publication: 1996 September Location: Orwell, VT Subject: Misc Tags: homophobia, queer, gender, art, poetry, Date Added: 2020-02-25
Title: Jing Bang So #5 Creator: Maria Contributors: Joe, Pipi, Laura Pardo, Sara Date of Publication: 1994 Location: Berkley, CA Subject: Anarchy Tags: punk, the rickets, music, boredom, feminism, gender, interview, scams, voodoo glow skulls, wrestling, loose change, zines, dork book, what’s the buzz?, hickey, quiet nights of quiet stars, what me worry?, kitschy kitsch […]
Title: Venusian Reject #8 Creator: Anna C. Date of Publication: 1995 April, May, June Location: La Mesa, CA Subject: Anarchy Tags: zines, music, punk, seventeen magazine, tiltwheel, butter beetle zine, ritalin zine, better than barbie, abortion, scruffy, the intigator, babykins, lucky seven, placebo, boredom sucks, grope, plume, raspberry, lady bird, the burning outhouse, jing bang […]
Title: The Renegade Girl Zine #2 Creator: Zoë Contributors: Amy, Autumn Date of Publication: 1995 March/April Location: Montrose, PA Subject: Feminism Tags: montrose high school, petticoat politics, high school, zines, gender, feminism, queer, rant, poetry, the x-files, rape, sexism, homophobia, my so-called life, abortion Date Added: 2020-02-25
Title: School Without Growing #2 Creator: Colette Contributors: Danielle, Pamela Davis, John (Fire) Lame Deer Date of Publication: N/A Location: Wellfleet, MA Subject: Education Tags: 8th grade, journal, teachers, trumpet, authority, drop out, parents, society, Nauset Regional High, complaints, skool, anti-skool, sickness, high school, friends, middle school, ignorance Date Added: 7/26/2019