New! Zotero is Now Compatible with Google Docs

The librarians are excited to announce that a Zotero tab has been added to your Hampshire College Google Docs account!

Now, when you’re using Google Docs to write your paper, and you make a claim based on someone else’s knowledge, you can click on the Zotero tab to add a citation. Just choose “Add/Edit Citation” and find the correct source in your Zotero Library. An in-text citation will be created for you in the academic writing style of your choosing (MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.).

example showing the location of the zotero tab in google docs
Where has this been all my life!?

Then, after you’ve written your whole paper and added all your in-text citations as you went, with another click you can choose “Add/Edit Bibliography” and Zotero will use all the in-text citations to generate a perfect bibliography for your whole paper in Google Docs. What.

example of a bibliography generated using the Zotero tab in Google Docs
Make sure to take a look at each article’s title, author, etc. in Zotero and correct anything that might be weird or wrong, or the citations will be weird and wrong too!

Just in time for the busiest writing time of the semester! You’re welcome…

Any questions about Zotero (or anything about finding or using sources of any kind) you can always ask a librarian at, stop by the library InfoBar (12-5, Mon-Thurs), or visit the Knowledge Commons (6-9, Sun-Thurs).


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