Inclusive Practices

General Inclusive Teaching and Advising

Creating Inclusive College Classrooms. Shari Saunders and Diana Kardia, Center for Research on Learning and Teaching, University of Michigan.

Performing Academic Advising Across the Color Line. Cornelius Gilbert, University of Wisconsin, The Mentor ( March 3, 2003).

Strategies for Advancing Equity and Inclusion in the Classroom

Sample Syllabus Statement – guidelines for classroom discussion from Becky Packard, Mount Holyoke College

Critical Learning Communities Handout – Suggestions for building community in the classroom by Kristen Luschen and Becky Packard, Mount Holyoke College

Common Challenges Related to Faith and Religion in the Classroom at Hampshire – A handout created by the Spiritual Life Center staff.


Lisa Delpit, 2012, Keynote Address, Teaching Tolerance Awards for Culturally Responsive Teaching. Washington D.C.

Trans Inclusive Education

Faculty Pronoun Handout

Classroom Best Practices Regarding Trans_July 2016 compiled by the Trans* Policy Committee in collaboration with the Dean of Faculty and Dean of Students, Hampshire College.

For practice using pronouns, click here!

Five ways cis folks have supported me as a gender queer person, from Gender: Awesome, published Feb 4, 2016

Gender Pronoun Tips for Faculty, revised 2016

First Generation College Students

CTL Talking about Teaching session from 10/21/14 on Best Practices for Supporting the Academic Success of First Generation College Students. With Kristen Luschen and Vivianna Alvarez.

First Generation College Students at Carolina: Advocating for their Success

Student Identity and Success: A series of videos (under 5 minutes) featuring faculty discussing teaching strategies that first generations students reported as being helpful to their learning. The videos can be found here on the Heritage University website and a discussion of the study is available here on Inside Higher Ed.

Facilitating Difficult Discussions in the Classroom


Ten Tips for Facilitating Discussion on Sensitive Topics is a resource adapted from a online handout from A.L Moore and M. DeShaies, Southwestern University.

Managing Hot Moments in the Classroom” is a short article by the Bok Center for Teaching and Learning at Harvard.  It offers ways of thinking about and suggestions for managing tension-filled moments in class.

Office of Accessibility Resources and Services

OARS has developed a toolbox of resources to support faculty in implementing accommodations in the classroom. There is also a toolbox for students, supporting their development of learning strategies and skills in self-disclosure and self-advocacy. To view these toolboxes, visit

For information on the Holistic Learning Program, a program making coaching, resources, and programming accessible to all students, visit their website here!

As students bring their accommodation letters your way, please be in touch with OARS if you have any questions about how to implement accommodations in your course. Their contact information is always at the top of letters, and you should always get a copy from students to keep for your records. If students have not formally disclosed, please direct them to consult with OARS by scheduling an appointment or coming to drop-in hours each Friday 1-3pm in Lemelson. You can also direct them to the disclosure process online here.

For more information and resources, visit the OARS website!