5 College Digital Humanities Speaker Series

The 205CollegeSpeakerSeries15 – 2016 5CollDH Speaker Series features scholars and artists whose work investigates the constantly shifting boundaries between physical and virtual space, and how such shifts impact how we engage our social, political, and bodily networks: how our worlds are made, and how we can make them differently.

Click here for the postervisit the website, or check them out on Facebook or Twitter to learn more about the exciting range of speakers visiting this year!


Blended Learning Showcase

11147846_1645860968988389_1051175574692630635_oOctober 29th at 4:30 P.M. West Lecture Hall

Come hear how faculty across the Five Colleges are using blended learning in their teaching practices.

Presenters include our own Alicia Ellis!

For more information, visit fivecolleges.edu/blended

Screening of Most Likely to Succeed

Most likely to succeed posterPreparing our kids for the new innovation era.

October 28th at 7pm in Weinstein Auditorium at Smith College.

You are invited to a screening of Most Likely to Succeed. The film was a 2015 Sundance Film Festival selected documentary based on Tony Wagner’s book by the same name.

Writing Workshop: “Writing, Publishing and Process”

Saturday, November 7th

Carole DeSanti, Vice President and Executive Editor at Penguin Random House, will hold a workshop focused on writing, publishing and creative process. The workshop will focus on techniques for becoming your own first editor and best feedback system, address questions about publishing, and engage issues related to shifting from academic writing to addressing a general audience readership.

Carole is known for editing and publishing some of the most outstanding women’s voices of our time, including bestselling author Deborah Harkness, Booker-finalist Ruth Ozeki, Melissa Bank, Dorothy Allison, Terry McMillan and many others. She is also the author of a novel, The Unruly Passions of Eugénie R., published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt in 2012.

This session is appropriate for writers of all levels and stages of work, but it is helpful to have a specific project in mind.

Free and open to the public

10:00am-12:00pm, FCWSRC, 83 College Street, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley