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Spotlight, Page 14

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The two Library Learning Commons Pilot Project spaces were designed and developed in a collaboration between the Creativity Center, the Harold F. Johnson …

Picture of studying area on 2nd floor of library

End of the first day…

Well, you survived the first day of classes!   And now we would love to see you in the library so we can …

Classroom Equipment Demos and New Support Model for Fall 2015

“Get to Know Your Classroom Equipment”
Tuesday September 8th come see or get a refresher on how the projector works and to make sure your computer will “play nicely” with our equipment. Please visit our new website at for information on which room has what equipment and how to use it, as well as troubleshooting tips and instructions on how to get help. During business hours (8:30-4:30), you can call the Help Desk for immediate assistance: 413-559-5418. To report a non-urgent classroom issue or request a training, please submit an IT Ticket on theHub. Students can now do this too!

Title page for panel at ACRL New England on the Robert Seydel Reading Room

Taking the Seydel Reading Room on the Road

Rachel Beckwith, Arts Librarian, attended the ACRL-NEC conference and participated in a panel of speakers with Mike Meo, Sura Levine, and Bonnie Vigeland, presenting their talk, “Re-Designing for the 21st Century: A Reading Room?!” to a roomful of librarians and architects.


Extra Evening Research Help in the Library

This week, from 7-9 p.m. Monday through Thursday, the librarians will be at the InfoBar to help with your final papers, projects, and presentations. No appointment needed; just drop by!