
guiltFeeling guilty about how much (little?) work you got done this week? Guilt is rarely a productive emotion. We can spend a fair amount of time and energy feeling guilty and thinking we just need to “do more.” Doesn’t sound particularly motivating, does it? It is more productive to try to change the future than fret about the past.

Of course it helps to know what did not go well this week. Think about what interfered with getting work done and then move forward in concrete ways to minimize that issue.

So, instead of giving guilt much power, make a plan. A plan for the coming week is important. It works best if it is a specific plan – not just “do more” but do some specific tasks/develop helpful routines. Map out your week. You might set specific goals for how much time you will work each day, where and when. If you meet your time goal, you don’t have to feel guilty about how much writing or production you did. And clearly, scheduling more time will eventually lead to getting more product as well.

Schedule Your Time

plain_printable_calendarHaving big chunks of unscheduled time to do your Div III can be daunting. For many of you, it is the first time you are working for yourself, so to speak. Think about how conscientious you are about getting work done for someone else and show that same responsibility to yourself. You deserve the same dedication (or more)!!!

Here are some ideas for helping with that:

1) Make a weekly and daily schedule (actually keep a calendar) – write down the times you will be reading and writing or the times you will be meeting with your chair, committee, group of friends, classes, librarians, etc. Consider the times of day you are at your best for the various tasks and write them down on your calendar!

2) Don’t be unrealistic about how long you can sit and read or write about your reading – make doable times. Add more shorter times if that works better than fewer longer times. Know yourself.

3) Hold these times sacred – turn off your phone, don’t surf the web, don’t answer friends who want to distract you. It is your time (you wouldn’t walk out on a boss, would you?). Let your friends know you are doing this so that they can be on your side instead of trying to undermine you. You might suggest they do the same thing.

4) Schedule some kind of treat for yourself if you finish your scheduled work – meet a friend for coffee or tea, go for a bike ride, take a hot shower, buy a new song. Wait until you meet your deadline to do it, though.

5) Make a to-do-list. There are some free tools for helping with this. Check out Trello. It is free and anyone can create an account. It helps you create lists and set priorities. You can even invite others to your list if you have a collaborative part of your project or want your committee to see your lists.

6) Invite friends for parallel play. Sometimes it works well to have someone else working nearby. Then you can congratulate each other when you are done!

Celebrate Filing Div III at the Red Barn Tuesday 9/30

Red BarnHi All – By Monday September 29th you should have your contract posted and signed. If you need more time, you need to go to CASA and ask for the paperwork for an extension. But I am hoping that you have gotten everything together.

Don’t lose momentum. Look at your contract and develop a plan for diving in, if you haven’t already. Be as specific as you can about how much work you will get done each week, what you will bring to your chair or committee and when. Next post will be tips about creating a timeline.

In the meantime, come celebrate your Div III filing at the Red Barn on Tuesday September 30th fro 5 p.m. – 7 p.m. with Jonathan Lash and Eva Rueschmann!!!

Listservs – find events, resources, and each other

ListsThere are a number of email listservs at Hampshire where people share ideas, announcements, and resources.

You can find a list of all the lists at  – click on the list you are interested in and follow the instructions for subscribing.

Some of them are more active than others. You can also create your own email list!

Interested in theater, play writing, and/or living in New York City?

Alum 1-2-1: Rachel Friedman

CORC’s Alum 1-2-1 on Friday, September 19th features Rachel Freidman (F09) Education Associate for Theater for a New Audience in NYC! This is an Off-Broadway theatre company dedicated to the language and ideas of writers. Rachel has held previous positions with two other Broadway theatre companies: Manhattan Theatre Club and Roundabout Theatre Co. She also writes and develops plays.

Rachel graduated from Hampshire in 2013 with a concentration in Theatre as a Tool for Education. Her faculty affiliations are Natalie Sowell, Laura Wenk, and Ellie Duncan. She moved straight to NYC after graduating and dove into the world of New York City theatre.

Sign up for an individual 30 minute meeting with Rachel to talk about theatre after Hampshire! Even if theater’s not your thing, she’d love to talk to you about living in New York City.

To make an appointment go to:

Where: CORC, Harold Johnson Library, 3rd Floor
When: Friday, September 19th
Time: 10:45-4:15

If there are no appointment times available, call or email Liz to be added to the waitlist:, 413.559.5445, or stop by the CORC office.

Drafting your contract

If you have not already been meeting with faculty, you should make appointments for advising day, Sept. 18th. Don’t hesitate to email if you are not sure how to sign up for office hours. Bring a draft of your Div III proposal – email it ahead of time if you have it.

If you already have a committee, post your contract and make sure it is visible for faculty. They may have feedback and ask for changes or have a specific way they would like you to write it.

If you don’t have specific instructions from a committee about how to write your contract, here is a way to start:

  • Write a brief description of the issue(s) you want to explore or that motivate your work (this does not have to be in depth).
  • Consider the things you want to get better at. The process of the Division III is as important (or more) than the product. Write your goals about this (maybe it is learning new research methods or improving your artistic production of a particular sort, or joining two different processes you learned in Div II, etc.)
  • Describe the shape of the project – how would you imagine going about answering your questions or meeting your goals? Be as specific as you can at this point in time. Know that it will likely change to get more focused or to include new ideas from conversations with your committee.
  • Write your ideas about what you will complete first semester and what you’ll complete 2nd semester – it really helps to have this conversation with your committee, so writing about it make sure that happens!
  • Include your ideas for 2 advanced learning activities – these are upper level courses, internships (only one) or TA-ships.

KEEP BREATHIING!!! The contract at this point is an initial set of ideas that you might stick with, or that might change, but you need to put them out there to have the conversation with your committee. Good Luck!!!

Div III Orientation: Topic + Resources Activity

This activity from The Creativity Center is designed to help you craft the topic of your Div III project and the scope of your work.
There are two components: an easy visualization and a worksheet.

1.     Think of three key words that describe your prospective Div III.
Don’t overthink it. Just go with what’s been kicking around in your mind lately. Examples: education, inquiry, middle school OR dance, community, Carl Jung.

2.     Draw three intersecting circles and put each keyword in a circle.
This is also known as a Venn Diagram.

DivIIIexercise3.     Identify Areas for Investigation.
The goal is to get you as far as you need to get to develop a contract! Think of the Areas for Investigation as committee feedback, committee membership, campus resources (Librarians, CASA, Student Life).


4.     Fill in the Resources Worksheet.
This will help you start to think about the scale and scope of your work. What do you have to work with already? What do you need? Think about skills that are your strengths and be honest about your weaknesses (we mere humans can’t be great at everything). Think about people, places, things, skills, and the unexpected.
Download the Worksheet here.

5.     Bring your Resources Worksheet to committee meetings.
Use this to build your strengths into your contract and get advice on how to track down what you’ll need.

DivIIIExerciseExample2DivIIIExerciseExample16.     Hang your diagram in your workspace.
Edit and alter the diagram to keep track of the big picture of your work.
Here’s some examples of how other students approached it.

7.     Come to The Creativity Center Div III In Progress Workshop.
Thursday, November 6
Airport Lounge.
Div IIIs are always evolving. So, how do you balance excitement and execution? Learn how to keep curiosity in focus throughout a productive Div III.