Session #1: The art of file-building for reappointment and promotion
Thursday, April 14th, 5:00 p.m. in FPH 108
File-building involves much more that compiling the necessary documents and writing a statement. Come learn about what makes a reappointment & promotion file stand out as well-crafted, engaging, and user-friendly. This session features recent CCFRAP committee members discussing their insights about how to create a robust and well-organized reappointment/promotion file. This session will be relevant for all faculty – from new faculty who are eager to know more about the process to senior faculty who are preparing for a promotion to full professor!
Session #2: Fall 2016 Reappointment Information Session
Thursday, May 5th at 2:00 p.m. in Cole 101
This informational session focuses on the timeline and process for those individuals who will be standing for reappointment and/or promotion in Fall of 2016. While any who are interested may attend, this session will specifically benefit those who would like to consider their preparation and timeline for the upcoming academic year.