FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13th, 10:30am – 12:30 pm in the Faculty Staff Lounge in FPH.
If you have ever written a letter of recommendation when you wanted to say no, have struggled with “telling the truth” even when it would deflate a student’s goals, or have bristled at your own course evaluations, this session will have something for you. Critical feedback is difficult to provide and receive. Join us for lunch to talk about why that is and strategies to improve the experience.
Becky Packard, Professor of Psychology & Education, is responsible for Teaching and Learning Initiatives at Mount Holyoke College and is the Director of the Weissman Center. Her research focuses on mentoring, with an emphasis on the experiences of first-generation college students, women, nontraditional-aged students, and persons of color in higher education.
RSVP to Jackie Jeffery at are not necessary but appreciated.
The Challenging Discussions Series is sponsored by the Office of Diversity and Multicultural Education and the Center for Teaching and Learning.