Age & Order
Title: Age & Order: living just in the inexhaustible dust Creator: Daniel Elisii Date of Publication: 2013 Location: Hilltown, PA Subject: Comics Tags: comics, poetry, art Date Added: 2020-10-06
Title: Age & Order: living just in the inexhaustible dust Creator: Daniel Elisii Date of Publication: 2013 Location: Hilltown, PA Subject: Comics Tags: comics, poetry, art Date Added: 2020-10-06
Title: Sick: A compilation zine on physical illness Creator: Ben Holtzman Contributors: Carl Williamson, Krista Ciminera, Luci, Rainbow, Emiko Badillo, Emily Klamer, Sarah Hughes, Joe Biel, Rachel, Mandy Earley, Lauren Denitzio, Erica, Tessa Petrocco, Brittany Shoot, Andrea Runyan, Kristin Alysia Pape, ema, Beth Puma Date of Publication: 2009 Location: Bloomington, IN Subject: Physical/Sexual Health Tags: […]
Title: The Inside Scoop on Health and Wellness! Creator: Laura Bonilla Date of Publication: 2014-11 Location: New York, NY Subject: Health Tags: barnard college, stress, diet, exercise, time management, relationships, sleep, meditation Date Added: 2020-10-06
Title: The ‘Supergrass’: in the government’s arsenal Location: Belfast Date of Publication: 1984 Subject: Politics Tags: politics, activism, prison, northern ireland Date Added: 2020-10-06
Title: The Anarchist Agenda #2 Creator: West Gipson, Ian Scholm, Ciara Kay Contributors: Neil D. Ford, Emma Petersky, Elle Armagedon, Wouter Schviek, Greg Feliu, Aaron Neiman, Alyssa Kai, Nick Charney, Gabriel Shapiro Date of Publication: 2015 Subject: Anarchy Tags: anarchy, protest, politics, black lives matter, essay, poetry, writing, environmentalism, trans, punk, music, feminism, Date Added: […]
Title: Prison Survival: Prisoner Support Location: England Subject: Prison Tags: prison, resource Date Added: 2020-10-06
Title: Mini Guide to the Zine Collections of the Pioneer Valley Creator: Alana Kumbier Date of Publication: 2014-02 Location: Northampton, MA Subject: Zines about zines Tags: zines, pioneer valley, five college, resource Date Added: 2020-10-06