Div III Thesis Exhibitions Fall 2019

It the time in the semester when our graduating Div. III students undertake gallery installations for their final theses! Come by the gallery to view students’ work, and celebrate with them at their opening receptions. More details at gallery.hampshire.edu.

Exhibition dates are as follows:

November 19 & 20:
Reid Temple, Max Nemhauser, Yasmina Mattison-Sudan
Reception November 19, 7-9 pm

November 23 & 24:
Anton Kaplan, Brooke A. Wallis
Reception November 23, 6-8 pm

December 3 & 4:
Ran Yan, Mairin Faye Emerson, Cameron Prata
Reception December 3, 6-9 pm

December 7 & 8:
Andy Chen, Jules Filiton, Whealon Costello
Reception December 7, 6:30-9 pm

December 11 & 12:
Eelly Zhang, Rowen Stanton, Alice Peck
Reception December 11

poster listing div 3 students and the dates that they are presenting their theses

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