Dec. 18, 2014 Minutes

Present: Jennifer King, Anne Downes, Marjorie Hutter, Bob Crowley, Jason Tor, Carla Costa, Jeff Wallen, Ira Fay (by phone, and then suddenly, in person!), Alana Kumbier (notes)

Planning for kickoff call with Brightspot:
Identifying partners – draw from LLC Proposal
Service workshop
Determine which partners will be engaged in Feb/March service workshops — two 2-3 hours workshops:
Service models
Service points and adjacencies
Student engagement planning – we have Hampshire Student Union & Rehamping students on the committee, will need to do a focus group with students at different Div levels in the spring
We should return to their earlier library survey to see what they learned, proposed – it was pulled up for the APL project.

Open questions right now:
Bookstore issue – we thought the entire Hampstore was moving to Kern Ctr, but according to Carl, the convenience store part of the operation may not move.
Multisport complex plan needs to be figured out before we know about what can happen with Duplications
VPFA position open until the end of spring semester

Space vs. Service distinction:
Space: Learning Commons + organizations – may be sharing space in the LLC, but services wouldn’t necessarily be integrated
Service: Brightspot is involved in the service model of the library (i.e., who is partnering with librarians)
Services programming vs. other kinds of programming in the space
Community-engaged learning is a critical part of the curriculum
Academic services support the curriculum but don’t create new educative communities

Core operations – core supports/services we know we need — how do we innovate around core services? Delivering more research services (in new ways) through partnering with campus centers/programs. This can be integral to fostering innovation. Developing & expanding new models of service. Peer-to-peer education.

Related reading: Kelly Miller’s article about Powell Library’s 7 Types of Innovation:

Breakthroughs we’ve had on campus:
Library has control of the APL, HSU has turned over their master meeting room to library/student use
Academic Affairs Strategic Priority Managers meeting – Discussion of A1 (revitalize & simplify the curriculum, Div I tutorials) – idea of piloting a 2-semester Div I class, co-taught by 2 faculty – faculty member has a course topic, then connects with the library which would coordinate the support components (research librarian, archivist, instructional technologist, media, quantitative, qualitative, speech, writing support, makerspace, gaming). We might be able to pilot that process in the fall.
Pilot for modeling one-stop shopping, not involving the professor having to do logistics
How does this increase navigability for students?
What is the role of this support in the tutorial? In what context is it introduced to faculty & students?
How does this relate to Div III work we (library, CTL & Creativity Center) are already doing?

Site Visits
In Jan – start with steering committee, expand to other possible participants:
UMass Amherst
Williams College
Innovation Lab at Harvard
Aim for Thursdays & Fridays in January, set up dates, then see who can make the different site visits

Bigger trips (end of March, start of April – or connect to spring break week):
Occidental & UCLA Powell
Colorado College
Core team for bigger trips might include: CASA, Dean of Students, CTL, Library

Assessment, Indicators
Eva said she presented the A project spec sheets to the strategic planning oversight group – She needs us to develop benchmarks of success – leading and trailing indicators
Alana is going to AAC&U – come up with a draft of what those indicators would be – start
Jeff will look through AAC&U schedule to see what sessions he’d suggest AK attend
Focus: How to assess ways the library supports students relating to goals in Project A1

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