Join us for the Institute for Curatorial Practice Exhibitions and Reception
This Thursday afternoon, July 3rd, the Harold F. Johnson Library will be hosting the second part of closing events for the Institute for Curatorial Practice inaugural year!
Student presentations will be held from
2-3:30 in the Liebling Center and from
3:30-5:00 join us in the library for a Projection Gallery and Digital Exhibition.
This summer students have joined us from Bard, Dartmouth, Grinnell, Hampshire, Mount Holyoke, Skidmore, the University of Kansas, University of North Carolina and the Carrack Modern Art Gallery, and the University of Massachusetts. They have produced three digital exhibitions, including video projections, based on the collections of the Five College Museums of Art and Special Collections: Sometimes a Traveller, imagetext, and The Dense Image.

Exhibitions and Reception
July 3rd 2014, 2-5pm at Hampshire College