E.Lit/ Net.Art: A Gallery of Born-Digital Art in the Library

We had lots of students, staff, and faculty visit E.Lit/ Net.Art yesterday afternoon on the 3rd floor of the library. Among other exhibits, visitors to the interactive gallery got to play Mario Brothers on Nintendo, Zork to try to get the treasure from the dungeon,and watch Little Movies, a “lyrical and theoretical project about the aesthetics of digitalcinema, and a eulogy to its earliest form–QuickTime. The project began in 1994 when the World Wide Web was just beginning to gain mass exposure.” (http://rhizome.org/artbase/artwork/1688/). This event was sponsored by the Five College Digital Humanities and Hampshire College Library and Information Technology. It was curated by Jeffrey Moro, the Five College Post-Baccalaureate Resident in Digital Humanities. We are very grateful that Jeffrey brought his gallery of digital art to the Hampshire College Library.


(Tim Anderson, Marc Blank, Bruce Daniels, Dave Lebling / 1977-1979)