Library Learning Commons Open Meeting

Library Learning Commons Project

Friday 12/6,1:00-2:00 p.m.
FPH East Lecture Hall

Note from first Campus Open Forum:

Hampshire plans to renovate parts of the library and significantly modify the library first floor to create a Hampshire College Library Learning Commons. Some of you were able to join us to learn more about the project and find out how to be involved. The Learning Commons Steering Committee prepared a presentation.

Here is what we heard:


  • Are the gallery, post office, Airport Lounge, and Bridge being considered for the renovation?
  • Did discussions regarding library renovations come about after it was decided that the portal building would be built? (Cherie Butler)
  • What is meant by front of house/back of house operations (Anne Downes, asking for clarification after Bob’s commentary about the process)
  • During this renovation will walls be built or taken down, or will existing spaces just be renovated? (Carin Rank)
  • There are lots of nice spaces on the 2nd and 3rd floors with nice window views, will the stacks be removed or moved? (Sharon Friedner)


  • “Super-excited”   (Cherie Butler)
  • Excited, although apprehensive that the inspiration for our renovation seems to be schools that have access to state funding.  Maybe we are small enough that our project will be feasible.   Are l stakeholders, other departments on campus, being consulted if they want to move in to the library? Concerned Culture, Brain, and Development, wasn’t approached earlier in the process.  “Feel energized,”   definite need for a community center on campus and library learning commons is probably the best building.   There is exciting potential to pool resources.  (Pam Stone and Ryan McLaughlin, CBD).
  • Encouraged that Brightspot is consulting because they are looking at the emotional state of people, how they feel about using the library and services, when they map the experiences of students using the building. (Bob Crowley)
  • “Need some place to have institutional memory, four thumbs up for a coffee shop!”    There are new and growing conversations within 5C regarding maker space.  Talks about a network that is easy to access, a virtual wall where one can experience another institution’s maker space without having to go there.  (Roxy Finn).
  • In the space in ASH where Chris Perry’s students do animation there is a clubhouse culture. CS and NS have spaces but HACU’s are scattered, the library could be the place where students from different disciplines could feel comfortable going in to.  There are events in the lobby of ASH but non-CS students don’t always come. (Ryan McLaughlin)
  • Students work in spaces with students with similar intellectual interests, in a space like the learning commons they could “encounter people other than their own cohort, lessen feeling of isolation” on campus. (Kristen Luschen)
  • “Being cross-disciplinary is critically crucial,” is a strong argument to Mellon for future funding, possibly building on NEH Preservation grant.  We need to be clear about what the other 5 colleges are doing and how we are different.  (Marjorie Hutter)

What kinds of forums should be used to engage the community?

  • Ask student groups to come in (Gunther)
  • Faculty Meeting Agenda give a 20-minute overview and ask faculty to fill out the survey (Kristen Luschen)
  • Present to Staff Meeting, have facilitative focus groups where you invite different constituencies to assure discussion.


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