“This Book is Owned By Its Reader”: MR Nomads

Last Friday Jim Hicks, the editor of the Massachusetts Review, stopped by the library and dropped off 13 copies of the MR “Nomad.”  Nomads are free issues of the MR, and are up for grabs to anyoThe Massachusetts Reviewne who is eager to launch a Nomad’s journey. The Nomads have been placed randomly throughout the Library. Readers who adopt a Nomad are invited to keep the issues of the MR for as long as he or she chooses and then to leave it for someone else, at a bus-stop, in a waiting room, at a cafe.

The story doesn’t end there. Nomad handlers are asked to document their journey, inside the back cover, leaving the tale of the Nomad’s travels for the next owner.  Readers can also send MR Nomad Stories and photos to massrev@external.umass.edu.

-Jennifer King and Tatjana Mackin

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