Ask First!
Title: Ask First!: resources for supporters, survivors, and perpetrators of sexual assault Creator: Cheyenne Subject: Sexuality/Relationships/Sexual Abuse Tags: resource, sexual assault, recovery Date Added: 2020-10-29
Title: Ask First!: resources for supporters, survivors, and perpetrators of sexual assault Creator: Cheyenne Subject: Sexuality/Relationships/Sexual Abuse Tags: resource, sexual assault, recovery Date Added: 2020-10-29
Title: Hot Pants: do-it-yourself gynecology Creators: Isabelle Gauthier and Lisa Vinebaum Contributors: Rachel Guay, Martine Bazar, Penny Pattison, Tania Waters, Jennifer Petrela, Anne Henderson, Carla Nemiroff, Marlinda Zunic, Marianne Pedretti Date Published: 2002 Place of Publication: Montréal, Canada Subject: Resource/How to Tags: resource, herbalism, sexual health, anarchy Date Added: 2020-10-29
Title: HPV: by the down there collective Creator: Holly, Farah, Colleen, Kristin, Betsy, Noel, Megan Date Published: 2007-12 Place of Publication: Washington, DC Subject: Resource/How to Tags: resource, herbalism, sexual health, anarchy Date Added: 2020-10-29
Title: Nourishing Endrometriosis Creator: Alhena Subject: Resource/How to Tags: resource, herbalism, anarchy, sexual health Date Added: 2020-10-29
Title: Holistic Care Through Gender Transition: a nutrition and herbal guide to transgender care Creator: Jacoby Ballard Place of Publication: New York, NY Subject: Resource/How to Tags: resource, herbalism, trans, trans healthcare Date Added: 2020-10-29
Title: F*ck Your Health #1: little profane guides to taking care of our queer bodies Creator: Kelli Dunham Date Published: 2010’s Place of Publication: New York, NY Subject: Resource/How to Tags: resource, trans, queer, sexual health, trans healthcare Date Added: 2020-10-29
Title: Genderfailz #1: the first appointment Creator: Alix Kemp Date Published: 2009 Place of Publication: Alberta, Canada Subject: Queer/trans Tags: personal, trans, trans healthcare Date Added: 2020-10-29