On Access to ScienceDirect

Greetings all, Thea here again. We are, as always, up to a lot here at the library. One thing that we wanted you to be aware of was a change in access to ScienceDirect, one of the many science-based databases available through the Harold F. Johnson Library. Starting January 01, 2013, articles available through ScienceDirect’s Physical Sciences package will be available through ILL. Please note that at this time, access to the other two subject collections, Health and Life Sciences, and Social and Behavioral Sciences, remains unchanged.

Worried that your favorite journal is going to be part of this change? A complete list of journals in the Physical Sciences package is available. If you absolutely need access to an article, and can’t get your hands on it through ILL, please contact the library, and we’ll work together on finding a solution for you.

Do note that many of the titles available through the Physical Sciences package are cross-listed in one of the other two packages. You can see a list of the journals available through the Health and Life Sciences package and the Social and Behavioral Sciences

Have a question or another concern? Please feel free to contact me.

Happy searching!


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