Old prints meet new technology
Students in Karen Koehler’s Guernica tutorial got to view prints from 1937 from Francisco de Goya’s “Los Caprichos” today while using current technology to be able to zoom in on the details. Asha Kinney, Assistant Director of Information Technology for Technology for Teaching and Learning, visited the class with an iPad with a magnifier app on it, and we were able to do some very close looking at several of the prints. If you are interested in viewing more of the Goya prints (Hampshire’s prints were a gift to the College from Archibald MacLeish in 1971), you can find images of them in the Five College Museums Collections database by searching for “Goya” and limiting your search to Hampshire College. This database includes all objects in the Five College Museums as well as Historic Deerfield. And now, if you ever want to be able to zoom in on an object, print, painting, or other work of art, you can make an appointment with me and an iPad to do some closer looking.