Fold, Flip, Erase, Write: A Book Arts Exploration

DSCF0566This January term at Hampshire, Amy Dryansky taught a great class called: Fold, Flip, Erase, Write: A Books Arts Exploration.     She helped her group of creative, motivated, and industrious students investigate the idea of “book.” Students were introduced to a variety of book arts and writing techniques.   They came to the library’s Special Collections in the Bradford Room, and I pulled out all of my favorite artists books for them to peruse.  I also pulled out some of the artists books created by students in Hampshire College’s first book arts class in 1999 so that they could see examples of student work as well.   This photo shows the final work of Amy’s students who each created their own non-traditional “book”  during the very quick 2-week January term.     Pretty impressive, right?!

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