Disproving Evolution: in

Disproving Evolution: in <3 Minutes

Zaid Ghazzawi suggests that evolution can be disproven because the proteins “excreted” by a cell “know” to arrange themselves as a hand in human beings.

24 Mar 2013

evolution, atheist popcorn, #atheistlogic

Atheist Popcorn

This video suggests that just like someone had to build a microwave, put popcorn in it, and start the process for making popcorn, so too did a Creator, here identified as Allah, need to make the universe and the beings in it.

7 Nov 2014

Usama Hasan, teaching evolution

Imam Threatened for Teaching Evolution

A short, undated BBC news clip presents the bare bones of the furor over Usama Hasan, a scientist and an imam, who spoke about the possibility of reconciling human evolution with Islam.

15 Apr 2011

soul in Islam, Zakir Naik

Ridiculous concept of Soul in Islam: Zakir Naik

Zakir Naik attempts to answer the question, “What is the concept of soul in islam and what is the relationship of the soul and the human body, and what will happen to the soul after death.”

19 May 2011

evolution Sahelanthropus Harun Yahya

Don’t believe in evolution

This polemical Harun Yahya group video claims to disprove Darwinian (biological) evolution using reports of the discovery of a partial hominin skull.

24 Dec 2008

mosquito Harun Yahya creation evolution

The Superior Features in the Body of the Mosquito

This Harun Yahya group clip uses the example of a mosquito as “proof of creation” rather than evolution. The mosquito’s feeding process is described as “miraculous”, a form of iʿjāz.

24 May 2013

embryology Islam the Rationalizer PZ Myers

World famous embryologist PZ Myers proves the Quran is man made

A video blog from the Rationalizer that shows a clip from a discussion of PZ Myers and Adnan Rashid in Dublin in 2011 and examines more closely the Arabic word “thumma” and the sequence of development they are discussing.

28 Jun 2011

scientific miracles in the quran, Hamza Tzortzis and Imran Hussein

There are no scientific miracles in the Quran, part 2

Hamza Tzortzis and Imran Hussein present their multi-layered, multi-level approach to interpreting scientific miracles in the Qurʾān.

7 Oct 2015

islam creationism Quest Media Productions

Did The Mercedes-Benz Create Itself Episode 2 #ATHEISTLOGIC

This animated Muslim spoken-word poem presents creationist ideas along with a variety of other political topics.

1 Jun 2015

islam intelligent design, Quest Media Productions

Did The Mercedes-Benz Create Itself? #ATHEISTLOGIC

This animated video presents a variety of Intelligent Design ideas, starting with the idea that a car doesn’t design itself, so humans didn’t either.

25 May 2014

islamic medicine, Nahyan Fancy, 2012, The Source of the Faculties is the Soul: Pre-modern Islamic Medicine and its Relation to Philosophy and Religion

The Source of the Faculties is the Soul: Pre-modern Islamic Medicine and its Relation to Philosophy and Religion

Nahyan Fancy discusses how the concepts of spirit and soul were integrated into both medical understandings of the body and its physiology, and how resurrection might occur, given those understandings of physiology.

20 Feb 2013

evolution islam helasmoh

Evolution was an Islamic Theory before Darwin

This brief video argues that “evolution” appeared in Muslim sources well in advance of Darwin’s theory of evolution based on natural selection.

19 Dec 2010