Don’t believe in evolution


24 Dec 2008


This polemical Harun Yahya group video claims to disprove Darwinian (biological) evolution, suggesting that the discovery of a partial skull of a hominin labelled Sahelanthropus proves that there is no “missing link” [between human and non-human primates].  The video presents the simple “tree of life” (which few branches) as if it is the current understanding.  The video also suggests that “chance” cannot explain how a “well designed” organism came about.

The video closes with “Don’t believe in evolution.  Don’t be duped.”  It then provides a URL:

Topics discussed:  “tree of life”, DNA, Charles Darwin, complexity of bacteria, irreducible complexity


There is nothing explicit here on Islam; the only connection to Islam is through the link to the Harun Yahya website.  The suggestion that evolution somehow contradicts religion — that is forces those who accept it to “deny their creator” is a fallacy.  Many Muslims (and people of other faith systems) accept evolution.

The clip presents biological evolution incorrectly.  Scholars to not believe evolutionary paths to be straight, with only a single branches, but rather with many branches.  The representation that “lifeforms appear suddenly … with no ancestors” is not a consensus scholarly understanding.  Random mutations over millions of years can and do explain speciation and genetic variation.  The presentation uses ideas from both irreducible complexity and intelligent design models.

Although the historical quote from Darwin is accurate, no such organ has ever been proven.