

hands chopping

Knife skills – slicing, sharpening, and The Claw!!!

So if you’ve ever watched a cooking show, or seen a professional chef in action, you’ve probably noticed that they don’t handle either their knives or the food they are chopping in the same way that most of the rest of us do. They hold their knives in a weird grip (actually partially up onto the blade, not pointing the index finger) and they hold the food they are chopping in an even weirder grip th
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closeup of kitchen utensils in a jar

Setting up a kitchen

Setting up a kitchen     One of the most important things you can do to make your experience in the kitchen fun instead of frustrating is to make sure that you have the proper tools. Although many tools can be improvised (yes, you can drain your pasta with a pot lid instead of a colander) at the end of the day you will have more fun and be less stressed in the kitchen if you have the right tools for the job
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