
First harvests coming in

group of 4 people in a field holding garlic bunches and a sign that says "We hope you will jget involved infall harvest"

All of our hard work is starting to pay off, with the first harvests coming in! This year we are doing some experimental cucumber and melon trials for Johnny’s Seeds, so we’ve been taste testing ripe cucumbers like there’s no tomorrow. Peppers are starting to ripen, and tomatoes won’t be too far behind. And, of course, there are plenty of flowers and herbs for veggie CSA members in the pick your own field. We’ve also got tons of great garlic, which is now curing in the CSA barn. We are looking forward to a productive August, and then to welcoming new and returning students for the fall semester. For students who are interested in joining the fall crew, check out the job descriptions and email either Nancy Hanson (veggies – nhanson@hampshire.edu) or April Nugent (livestock – annFC@hampshire.edu) to learn more.

Reeve Gutsell is the Food, Farm, and Sustainability Program Coordinator at Hampshire College. She has a Master's degree in Resource Management and Conservation, as well as a long-term interest in the intersection of agriculture, environmental issues, social justice, and food systems. She enjoys the walking around the farm in all types of weather, and almost always finds something beautiful or interesting to explore.

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