Gordon is Just a Friend
Title: Gordon is Just a Friend: A Supernatural Dating Comic for Grown-Ups Creator: Zack Giallongo Subject: Comics Tags: comics, vampires, werewolves, dating, violence Date Added: 2020-10-06
Title: Gordon is Just a Friend: A Supernatural Dating Comic for Grown-Ups Creator: Zack Giallongo Subject: Comics Tags: comics, vampires, werewolves, dating, violence Date Added: 2020-10-06
Title: Glitter #1 Creator: Jen Piglet Contributors: Jaymie, Keyan, Cameron Date of Publication: 1996-01 Location: Littleton, CO Subject: Personal Tags: Personal, feminism, queer, poetry, military Date Added: 2020-10-06
Title: Gorgeous #2: rock traumas Creator: Jamie and Kevin Date of Publication: 1997-98 Location: Russell, PA Subject: Anarchy Tags: anarchy, punk, sex Date Added: 2020-10-06
Title: The Ghosts of Times Square: a zine exploring representations of times square through film Creator: Kel Kaprinski Subject: Queer Tags: film, queer, new york, sex work, times square, history Date Added: 2020-09-17
Title: Growing Things: a guide for beginning gardeners Creator: Joshua James Amberson Contributors: Sarah Keliher, Jeff Shannon, Rylie Thayer, Sarah Travis, Hannah Horovitz Location: Portland, Oregon Subject: Resource/How-to Tags: gardening, plants, how to, Date Added: 2020-09-11
Title: Goddess Defiled Creator: Stephanie Date of Publication: Circa 1995 Subject: Personal Tags: drugs, abuse, feminism, poetry, punk, school, depression, self harm, sex, riot grrrl, queer, sexual abuse, Date Added: 2020-03-03
Title: Grand Adventure Creator:Lucy Bellwood Contributors: N/A Date of Publication: 2013 Location: Portland, OR Subjects: Comics Tags: Grand Canyon Date Added:7/12/2017