Title: Bibliomancy Creator: Rebecca Roher Contributors: None Date of Publication: 2013 Location: N/A Subject: Comics Tags: herbs, nightmares, dreams, books Date Added: 6/4/18
Title: Bibliomancy Creator: Rebecca Roher Contributors: None Date of Publication: 2013 Location: N/A Subject: Comics Tags: herbs, nightmares, dreams, books Date Added: 6/4/18
Title: Chosen Creator: Mark Burrier Contributors: None Date of Publication: September 2013 Location: N/A Subject: Comics Tags: super powers, science fiction, fantasy Date Added: 6/4/18
Title: Node Pajomo (not numbered) Creator: PJM Contributors: None Date of Publication: 2010s Location: Bellingham, WA Subject: Miscellaneous Tags: mail art, zine reviews, audio reviews Date Added: 6/1/18
Title: Simon Pugilist Creator: Tyrell Cannon, Logan Cannon Contributors: None Date of Publication: N/A Location: N/A Subject: Comics Tags: boxing, fighting Date Added: 8/18/17
Title: Duck Duck Moose Creator: Jim Coon Contributors: None Date of Publication: N/A Location: N/A Subject: Comics Tags: N/A Date Added: 8/17/17
Title: Horctopus Creator: D. White Contributors: Guy Riggio, J. Dero, Nicolas Guenzler Date of Publication: 2013 Location: N/A Subject: Comics Tags: fantasy, ocean, ship, sea monster Date Added: 8/18/17
Title: Edna II Creator: Sophie Goldstein Contributors: None Date of Publication: 2013 Location: White River Junction, VT Subject: Comics Tags: science fiction, aging Date Added: 8/17/17