Age & Order
Title: Age & Order: living just in the inexhaustible dust Creator: Daniel Elisii Date of Publication: 2013 Location: Hilltown, PA Subject: Comics Tags: comics, poetry, art Date Added: 2020-10-06
Title: Age & Order: living just in the inexhaustible dust Creator: Daniel Elisii Date of Publication: 2013 Location: Hilltown, PA Subject: Comics Tags: comics, poetry, art Date Added: 2020-10-06
Title: The Inside Scoop on Health and Wellness! Creator: Laura Bonilla Date of Publication: 2014-11 Location: New York, NY Subject: Health Tags: barnard college, stress, diet, exercise, time management, relationships, sleep, meditation Date Added: 2020-10-06
Title: The Anarchist Agenda #2 Creator: West Gipson, Ian Scholm, Ciara Kay Contributors: Neil D. Ford, Emma Petersky, Elle Armagedon, Wouter Schviek, Greg Feliu, Aaron Neiman, Alyssa Kai, Nick Charney, Gabriel Shapiro Date of Publication: 2015 Subject: Anarchy Tags: anarchy, protest, politics, black lives matter, essay, poetry, writing, environmentalism, trans, punk, music, feminism, Date Added: […]
Title: Mini Guide to the Zine Collections of the Pioneer Valley Creator: Alana Kumbier Date of Publication: 2014-02 Location: Northampton, MA Subject: Zines about zines Tags: zines, pioneer valley, five college, resource Date Added: 2020-10-06
Title: Persistence & Existence #1: lesbian, gay, and bisexual organizations at Mount Holyoke College Creator: Melina Baron-Deutsch Contributors: Jennie Ochterski Date of Publication: 2015 Location: South Hadley, MA Five College: Mount Holyoke College Subject: Queer/Trans Tags: queer, trans, bisexual, lesbian, history, mount holyoke college Date Added: 2020-10-06
Title: Teaching Info. Literacy with Zines Creator: Kelly McElroy Date of Publication: 2011-07-21 Location: Iowa City, IA Subject: Zines about zines Tags: zines, education, lesson plan, essay Date Added: 2020-10-06
Title: Zines at the University of Iowa Libraries Date of Publication: 2011-10 Location: Iowa City, IA Subject: Zines about zines Tags: zines, Date Added: 2020-10-06