There are no scientific miracles in the Quran, part 2


7 Oct 2015

Miracles / I'jaz, Embryology

Imran Hussein

Hamza Tzortzis

This second part of the Global Dawah Movement Show denouncing scientific miracles in the Quran (iʿjāz) presents Imran Hussein and Hamza Tzortzis suggesting a “new” method of understanding the Qurʾān, suggesting that the multiple layers of meaning of the Arabic in the Qurʾān allow for multiple levels of meaning, so that people in different eras may find different meanings in the text.  They suggest that the purpose of the Qurʾānic material that seems to discuss science is to inspire awe in the reader, suggesting therefore that God deserves to be worshipped.

The first 4:34 of the video summarizes part 1; viewers who have already seen that video may want to skip that segment.

Topics discussed:  the basics of the approach, which Tzortzis suggests Mustafir Mir also uses, apparently via Nidhal Guessoum’s book, Islam’s Quantum Question; cosmology, specifically understanding of the Sun’s orbit around the Earth or around the Milky Way; the use of the Arabic word alaqa in verse 23.14 and comparing an embryo to a leech; discussion of how this leech-like embryo may be understood in “a spiritual way” as representing the “parasitic” use of the mother by the embryo; the need to break from using science, which is supposed to change, as a thread upon which to hang one’s faith; Nouman Ali Khan and Abdulraheem Green also using this interpretive approach.

The first part of this presentation is available on the Portal here.


The material on Islam is within the bounds of what Muslims have historically understood as acceptable.  However, viewers should keep in mind that while this interpretive approach may be new to Hamza Tzortzis, it is not new at all among Muslims, and has been commonly used among modernist interpreters for at least 120 years.

The scientific material presented generally corresponds to majority scholarly views, particularly as concerns cosmology.  Some of the pictures of embryos and leeches have been critiqued elsewhere.

The historical material may not reflect current historical understandings.  Ibn al-Haytham may not be understood by all as the “first scientist”.

About Imran Hussein

Imran Hussein is most well known in the dawah movement, specifically in the United Kingdom. As of 2015, he works for the Islamic Education and Research Academy (iERA) as a community organizer, public speaker, and instructor. Though he now works as an educator for Islam, Hussein’s degree at the University of Buckinghamshire is in Industrial Design and Engineering. The topics of Hussein’s lectures according to his biography on the iERA website are as follows: the existence of God, reasons to believe, purpose of life, why Islam, Islam v. Atheism, and the importance of dawah.

Hussein updates his public Facebook and Twitter quite regularly, with several posts in 2015. He updates with less frequency his personal website that functions as a blog, with one posting there from 2015.

Selected Bibliography:

Hussein, Imran. “Imran Hussein.” Facebook. Facebook, n.d. Accessed 26 May 2015.

Hussein, Imran. “Imran Hussein.” Imran Hussein. N.p., n.d. Accessed 26 May 2015.

Hussein, Imran. Twitter. Twitter, n.d. Accessed 26 May 2015.

Imran Hussein.” Islamic Education and Research Academy. IERA, n.d. Accessed 26 May 2015.

About Hamza Tzortzis

Hamza Tzortzis is of Greek origin, though he was born and raised in London, England. Raised in Hackney, a rougher part of London, Tzortzis became involved in gang life and never finished a university degree after a plagiarism scandal. Following his difficulties in academics, he pursued project management in the business field; however, after a few encounters with Muslim friends, Tzortzis became more and more interested in Islam.

Tzortzis is now well known for delivering controversial lectures, workshops, and courses at various universities across the world on Islamic thought, in addition to participating in various debates where he uses philosophy to defend Islam. His interests lie around Islam, politics, and philosophy. Tzortzis is in charge of the Islamic Education and Research Academy’s (iERA) research team, and is also an instructor for AlKauthar Institute, a proselytizing organization.

As of 2015, Tzortzis is active on social media networks, operating public Facebook and Twitter pages, each with thousands of followers. His personal website also hosts his collection of research, debates, and lectures.

Selected Bibliography:

The Deen Show: Hamza Andreas Tzortzis. Perf. Eddie Redzovic. The Religion of Islam. Clip from The Deen Show, n.d. Accessed 24 May 2015.

Hamza Andreas Tzortzis.” Hamza Andreas Tzortzis RSS. N.p., n.d. Accessed 24 May 2015.

Hamza Tzortzis.” AlKauthar Institute. AlKauthar Institute, n.d. Accessed 24 May 2015.

Tzortzis, Hamza. “Hamza Andreas Tzortzis.” Facebook. N.p., n.d. Accessed 24 May 2015.

Tzortzis, Hamza. Twitter. N.p., n.d. Accessed 24 May 2015.