The Quran and Evolution


11 Jun 2013


In this undated lecture, Yasir Qadhi suggests that Muslims ought to accept evolution as “good science” for every creature except humans, a concept he labels as “Old Earth Creationists”.

Qadhi discusses what theories are in science, how Christianity engaged with (or opposed) science, the impossibility of reading the Qurʾān as metaphor (16:30).  He states that other species evolve, but humans have not.  He suggests that science demonstrates human’s “special nature”.

The video includes a front bumper by “877-Why-Islam” a proselytizing group, on whose YouTube page the video is posted.


Qadhi’s representations of what “Muslims” believe is far too narrowly constructed.  Many Muslims, both historically and today, scholars and non-scholars, have no problem with metaphorical interpretations of the Qurʾān.

Evolutionary biologists do not accept that humans are exceptional.

There is insufficient historical material on which to base an evaluation.