Stop Spamming on Reacting to Dr. Zakir Naik’s Scientific Miracles #3


5 Jan 2018

Embryology, Miracles / I'jaz

Stop Spamming

In this video blog (vlog), Stop Spamming expresses his disgust that a topic he had considered thoroughly debunked has reappeared.  Worse, apparently, is that the new representatives of embryology in the Qurʾān have not produced any new material, but are merely recycling ideas that have been previously been shown to be erroneous.

Stop Spamming provides many verses from the Qurʾān to support his positions, as well as from works of Qurʾānic exegesis (tafsīr).  The first block of verses he presents are those warning not to deceive, which is how he characterizes the video by Mohammed Hijab, Abu Safiyya Muhammad Osman and Dr. Ayman Sebazzi, the speakers in the video he critiques.  He also provides a long list of verses suggesting that man is created from a variety of substances, which he uses to suggest that God and the Qurʾān do not know where humans come from.

Stop Spamming presents some of the history of the debate over embryology, providing links to material from Martin Taverille and CaptainDisguise that addresses earlier material on embryology by Hamza Tzortzis. Most of this material dates from 2012.  Although as Stop Spamming points out, he and Hamza Tzortzis rarely see eye-to-eye, he praises Tzortzis for being honest when shown the error of his arguments.

Stop Spamming addresses quickly a few topics from the vlog he critiques.  He notes that a leech is nothing like an embryo.  He points out that sex is determined at fertilization.  He also suggests that the “three veils of darkness” described in the video are not actually shields against light.  He provides two different tafsīr to show that premodern Muslim scholars did perceive the Qurʾānic material discussed in the original vlog as describing a sequence, not multiple things happening simultaneously.


Islam:  This video is difficult to provide a score for.  Although in may instances it provides better and more honest references for the material provided about the Qurʾān and tafsīr than the video it critiques, its rejection of a concept of creation, as well as suggesting God and/or the Qurʾān does not understand human development do not fall within the bounds of what Muslims have historically understood as acceptable.

Science:  There is relatively little science here, but what there is reflects current scientific consensus.

History:  There is insufficient historical material on which to base an evaluation.