Science in the Quran series, Video 1. Introduction


31 Mar 2017

Miracles / I'jaz, Evolution

Gasser Hathout

This short video serves as an introduction to the additional 22 videos in a series called “Science in the Quran” by Gasser Hathout, a medical doctor.  The stated purpose is to help Muslims come to a deeper understanding of the Qurʾān through science.

The presentation assumes the audience/viewers are Muslims, with frequent references to “we as Muslims”. Hathout states his intention to examine, apparently positively, verses which “prove the authenticity of the Qurʾān”, a form of iʿjāz ʿilmii.

Hathout presents Muslims as inherently being able to understand science and religion as not antagonistic, contrasting this to issues presented in Kansas with the Board of Education attempting to limit the presentation of evolution.  He quotes Brian Greene, suggesting that “science teaches us what seems to be real often is not, but a surface illusion”, using two optical illusions to illustrate it.

A few verses of the Qurʾān are presented in both English and Arabic:  3.190-191 and 23.82.

The format of these videos is Hathout speaking while slides are displayed, with occasionally a moving cursor or the like.  Thus, they are more like an online lecture than a video or video blog (vlog).

Gasser Hathout is a radiologist who lives in California.  He, like his father, has been active in the local Muslim community in addition to his medical practice.


Islam:  The material on Islam is within the bounds of what Muslims have historically understood as acceptable.

Science:  There is little actual science here, but Hathout states that he intends to apply science to the Qurʾān to both authenticate it and enrich understanding of it in future videos.  This is generally understood by scientists today as a misapplication of the scientific method.

History:  There is insufficient historical material on which to base an evaluation.