A Scientific Blow to Darwinism – Irreducible Complexity


24 Jun 2011


Michael Behe

Jonathan Wells

This Harun Yahya group documentary suggests that it would be “irrational” and “unscientific” to believe in evolutionary development, but rather, because of irreducible complexity, one must believe in God, who created everything.

The documentary presents Michael Behe and his book, Darwin’s Black Box (1996) to demonstrate that evolution is “impossible” because of the motion of bacteria’s flagellum.  It also uses the human ear.  The documentary provides a list of scholars — not all of whom are scientists — who support these theories:  Phillip E. Johnson, William Dembski, Stephen C Meyer, and Paul Nelson.  In addition to Behe, Jonathan Wells has a small speaking role.

The video includes a long front bumper with images of Adnan Oktar and says that the “film was inspired by the works of Harun Yahya.”  In addition, there are three insertions in the documentary with similar information and the URL (www.harunyahyah.com).


The Islamic material presented here is largely limited to quotes from the Qurʾān that affirm God’s role as creator.  Some of the translations do not correspond with standard versions; none mention the Arabic.  Otherwise, all the religious representations are those that Islam has in common with Christianity.

The idea of irreducible complexity presented in Michael Behe’s work has been refuted in later studies.  The suggestions that there is “not a trace” of intermediate forms in evolutionary history (which can only in part be represented through fossils) is false.

There is insufficient historical material on which to base an evaluation.