Maurice Bucaille and the Pharaoh – Qur’an & Science


21 Sep 2012

History of Science, Miracles / Ijaz

Maurice Bucaille

This professionally created documentary presents the French medical doctor, Maurice Bucaille, whose study of the Bible and the Qurʾān in the mid 20th century propelled many toward searching for science in the Qurʾān (also known as ijaz, or miracles).  The documentary presents, with Bucaille’s own speech in many instances, his biography and research.

Topics include: Ideas about Islam in France (in the 1970s), feedback about Bucaille’s first book, Bucaille’s position in the medical field, Bucaille’s debate with Taner Edis, Bucaille’s research on mummies, references to the mummies in the Qurʾān.

Written, produced, and directed by Farouq Abdul-Aziz, date unknown.  The documentary is in English and includes subtitles for the more heavily accented speech.


The material presented about Islam is well within the bounds of what Muslims have historically understood as acceptable.

The science presented here includes only Bucaille’s research on the Pharaohs.  It should be noted that as mentioned in the beginning of the video (approximately minute 4), Bucaille’s perspective is that science may only confirm religious views, never move past them.  Scientists generally do not limit themselves by requiring their findings to adhere to any religious text.

The historical material on the Pharaohs conforms with current understandings.

About Maurice Bucaille