Drama Queen #2.5
Title: Drama Queen #2.5: stalking Creator: Emily Hoffman Date of Publication: 2003 Location: Oakland, CA Subject: Relationships Tags: stalking, relationships, internet Date Added: 2020-10-05
Title: Drama Queen #2.5: stalking Creator: Emily Hoffman Date of Publication: 2003 Location: Oakland, CA Subject: Relationships Tags: stalking, relationships, internet Date Added: 2020-10-05
Title: Drama Queen #2.2: karaoke slideshow Creator: Emily Hoffman Date of Publication: 2002 Location: Oakland, CA Subject: Personal Tags: personal, pets, animals Date Added: 2020-10-05
Title: Smudge #4 Location: British Columbia Subject: Personal Tags: hamsters, writing, zines, art, animals Date Added: 2020-10-05
Title: Terrestrial Invaders: a small book of fabricated lore about bugs Creator: Joseph Carlough Subject: Miscellaneous Tags: insects, scientific texts Date Added: 2020-10-05
Title: Fetish List #1 Creator: Gerry Gomez Pearlberg Date of Publication: 2001-08-03 Location: Sacramento, CA Subject: Poetry Tags: poetry Date Added: 2020-10-05
Title: Runx Tales #3 Creator: Matt Runkle Date of Publication: 2012 Subject: Personal Tags: personal, queer, retail apocalypse, comics Date Added: 2020-10-05
Title: Basic Paper Airplane #6 Creator: Joshua James Anderson Date of Publication: 2013-01 Location: Portland, OR Subject: Personal Tags: personal, essay, history Date Added: 2020-10-05