Smudge #4
Title: Smudge #4 Location: British Columbia Subject: Personal Tags: hamsters, writing, zines, art, animals Date Added: 2020-10-05
Title: Smudge #4 Location: British Columbia Subject: Personal Tags: hamsters, writing, zines, art, animals Date Added: 2020-10-05
Title: Holy Titclamps #17: 10th anniversary issue: promoting the homosexual lifestyle since 1989 Creator: Larry-Bob Date of Publication: 1999-06 Location: San Fransisco, CA Subject: Queer Tags: queer, poetry, comics, art Date Added: 2020-10-05
Title: Amonature #17 Date of Publication: 2015-11 Location: Wearverville. NC Subject: Art Tags: Art Date Added: 2020-10-05
Title: Deafula #8: the relationships issue Creator: Kerri Radley Date of Publication: 2015 Location: Philadelphia, PA Subject: Personal Tags: personal, relationships, deafness, art Date Added: 2020-09-18
Title: a species description of magisacculus raptor (the common british niffler): by newton artemis fido scamander Location: Los Angeles, California Subject: fiction/literature Tags: harry potter, fiction, writing, art Date Added: 2020-09-17
Title: Homebrew #3 Creator: Adam J Kurtz Subject: Personal Tags: art, personal, internet Date Added: 2020-09-17
Title: Muffin bones #9 Creator: Emily Larned Date of Publication: 1995 Location: Stamford, CT Subject: Personal Tags: art, poetry, fashion, zines, writing Date Added: 2020-03-03