With Patricia Montoya

This course will examine historical and contemporary stereotyping and representations of class/race/gender/ethnicity/sexuality in contemporary media, and discuss music videos, documentaries, experimental film and video that challenge such notions. Through readings, screenings and discussions, the class will inquire into the reasons for and consequences of stereotyping and the ways in which tensions of content, form and voice contest exploitative representation. A section of the class will be dedicated to films from global south and third cinema and to topics related to dying and death. The class also includes student-curated screenings. We will engage in textual analyses of the material discussed in class to critique and compare how the techniques employed to marginalize are challenged and employed to provide voice and self-representation to the otherwise silenced. The class will respond to these messages and representations through written assignments and a video production project analyzing and exploring the effects they have on socio-political, cultural, and personal relations. Enrolled students and top 5 waitlist students who DO NOT attend the first class session risk losing their place on the class roster.

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