
Did you know Mount Holyoke College has its very own student-run zine club?  One of those students, Iris, happens to work in the library’s archives over there & made some cool zines last year.

“Where Are the Fun Things?” was given to every first year in the class of 2017.  It’s a guide to the MHC Library, including the best locations for quiet & comfy study spots, information about the archives, & more.  It unfolds into a great LITS Visual Aid.

“Mountain Day 2013” features some fascinating history on that awesome MHC holiday the rest of us wish we had & was handed out at the top of Mount Holyoke last year.  This one also unfolds into a collection of pictures & quotes from past Mountain Days.


“Haunted Mount Holyoke” is a really fun zine with some of Mount Holyoke College’s myths & legends.  Are these stories fact or fiction?  You’ll have to read the zine to find out!  It was given to students, along with buttons, on Halloween last year.


The zines are now available for browsing in our zine collection.  Thanks to Iris & the MHC Archives for sending these great zines along!  You can visit the MHC Zine Club online:
