
Media Lab Hours Fall 2021

Monday – Friday 10am to 4:50pm will be the hours until the building’s access is returned to full (once the staff position is filled).  We look forward to being able to extend access to the labs once that happens, and we can provide support for you during our open hours and (as always) in other […]

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Media Labs Hiring

For clickable links and better formatting. Click the “Read More’ below. Please use this online form to apply for positions with the Library Media Labs! https://forms.gle/GMBEMoNhKiVBPLG26 A complete job description is available here as well . . . https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oLPNPpwh6MElM514rWiiiHnUV1SCFU3q/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=112139507795627776732&rtpof=true&sd=true And information about the Library Media Labs can be found at . . . http://sites.hampshire.edu/librarymedialabs

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Free Online Scriptwriting App

While we don’t advocate any single approach, we do like to discuss tools and promote those that are frequently used. Celtx is a site with a variety of pre-production tools and resources, ranging from free scriptwriting to premium storyboarding and insight features. It allows online scriptwriting in several formats and maintains options for group collaboration […]

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