The S.O.U.R.C.E. Wall of Resilience was a mural project facilitated by Mikaela González, F’13, and co-created with members of Hampshire College’s S.O.U.R.C.E. (Students of Under-Represented Cultures & Ethnicities) community as a way to claim space and build resilience on campus.

This zine shares the vision, stories and creative process behind the mural and how it came to center Black and brown trans femme resilience and liberation.

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  • page of mural zine
  • page of mural zine
  • page of mural zine
  • page of mural zine
  • page of mural zine
  • page of mural zine
  • page of mural zine

Artist statement & vision by Mika González.
Interviews with Sejeia Freelon, Jenny Gutierrez and Jenni Peña.
Zine created by Desta Cantave.

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