Telling Stories, Shifting Culture

Given the escalating social, political, and environmental challenges we’re facing in the world, where can we find the support we need to stay engaged in creating the change we want to see in the world? What tools and practices enable us to cultivate critical connections, build resilient relationships and strengthen communities?

In this panel discussion, our presenters will share stories of their challenges living in the current culture of fear, dehumanization and isolation, and making collaborative efforts towards creating a culture of interdependence, equity and care. They will discuss their experiences in interdisciplinary change-making work that centers relationships at the heart of culture shift, creates new structures for sharing resources and supports showing up as our full selves in service of community.

– Andrea Johnson 14F, Leadership Coach and Facilitator
– Cedar Landsman 99F, Co-Director of Relational Uprising
– Teal Van Dyck 06F, Program Coordinator at Ethics & the Common Good Project
– Maya Sungold 12F, Relational Leadership Fellow at Ethics & the Common Good Project
– Jamila Jackson 14F, Director of Embodied Leadership Project

This panel is part of the Div IV: Hampshire in Action Alumni Weekend. To see the full schedule, click here. 

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