Author Archives: dnh10

Procedure for Scribing

  1. Create a new post titled with the date of the meeting
  2. Make sure the notes include the following:
    • Include at the top of the notes, the Scribe name and the persons present.
    • Fill out the body of the page with any details from the meeting and add new headings as appropriate.
    • Upload the pdf for the next week’s reading and provide a link to it from the notes.
  3. Go to under and edit the page
  4. Add a new link at the top of the page by using the insert link button or link button on the top of the bar

Past Meeting Notes

Items for Possible Discussion in Upcoming Meetings

Tom’s Suggestions

GECCO-2012 papers:

  • Hornby and Bongard: Accelerating Human-Computer Collaborative Search through Learning Comparative and Predictive User Models
  • Bailey et al.: Automatic Generation of Graph Models for Complex Networks by Genetic Programming
  • Swafford et al.: Comparing Methods for Module Identification in Grammatical Evolution
  • Harding et al.: MT-CGP: Mixed Type Cartesian Genetic Programming
  • Le Goues et al.: Representations and Operators for Improving Evolutionary Software Repair
  • Kotzing et al.: The Max Problem Revisited: The Importance of Mutation in Genetic Programming
  • Harper: Spatial Co-Evolution – Quicker, Fitter and Less Bloated

Lee’s Suggestions

Emma’s Suggestions

Ullman, Goodman, Tenenbaum : Theory Acquisition as Stochastic Search

Previously Read in Lab

Computational Intelligence Lab Gists