Author Archives: Zy Cooper

Trash in ocean

In some beaches across the world trash from all over wash up on their shore. Beaches are meant for swimming and having a nice fun day In the sun. With the overload of trash, there is no way to enjoy the sand and the water may be filled with a bunch of contaminates. Since most of the trash washes up in countries across the world, the USA places trash in the ocean to get rid of it. By doing that, they are making it someone else’s problem. Just because its placed in the ocean doesn’t mean it will stay there forever. Water flows and trash happens to float a shore and also trap and kill animals in the sea. Image living in those areas, that causes frustrations and distress among citizens because they didn’t ask for it to come to their homeland so why don’t other countries dispose their trash properly.

Traveling Pollutants

Humans love for taveling releases many fumes and Carbon dioxide in the air that harms the Earth. Whether it’s traveling from a to b in your nearby cities close to home or traveling across the globe, our transportation is polluting the air. When you fly from New York to France or wherever you’re flying to, How do you’re think you’re flying? What is the planes intake to fly and what is it releasing? Well, planes release carbon dioxide and nitrogen dioxide. As we easily flying in the air these harmful pollutants are closer to the atmosphere than the frames we release from are vehicles. To create less pollutants we should normalizes electric cars and make them more affordable. For fly we should explore ways to fly speeding less fumes.

Styrofoam cups

I use styrofoam cups often. Its disposable and comes in handy for me and others. For instance if I have company and don’t want a sink full of dishes, i’ll pass them a cup.This is a disposable item that avoids the cause of creating dishes. We believe this is disposable because we typical use the cup as a single usage. We may rinse it out a couple time but once we have drunk enough, the cups get thrown away. These cups are usually fairly cheap and is easy to access.By using cheap products, companies are able to produce more. Nobody wants to consistently wash dishes so creating a cheap useful disposable object that itself would aid people’s daily life while causing profit to large companies.

Fitting in a Filthy Bubble

When we think about Hoarding a lot of thoughts come up. Yes, it’s gross, hazardous, filthy, out of place, disgusting, ect. Just thinking of it makes me image clutters of items that eventually takes over someones home. A house with a persons with a hoarding disorder, is definitely living and breathing in a filthy bubble. Based on the reading, there is many ways that Moore’s conceptualizing  of waste can be applied to hoarding. Although it give a mixture of positive and negative words about it, people who think it’s not a problem to hoard would use words like disorganized versus people who are against it that would use filthy.

Lost Clothes

In the Dakin laundry room there is a large bin where donated clothes can go. It’s no a “waste bin” but if you would like to get rid of clothes you don’t want, that’s the place to put them. Also if you leave your laundry on the floor or couch for numerous of days, it may end up in there as well. By having that bin, it stops people from throwing their clothes in the dumpster. Although it may not serve a purpose to them, someone else can take it. by avoiding throwing clothes away, we can donate or give it away so we can either reuse the fabric or pass down a piece of clothing. Some idiots like to throw trash and lint in there. Being oblivious that there’s a photo of a clothing item, they still find a way to put things that don’t belong. People’s waste getting mixed with clothes would make the staff probably want to throw the clothes away. Nobody want to pick trash out of clothes.


As we chop down thousands of trees to use paper, we don’t realize how much it gets wasted. We tend to lose paper, crumble it, or throw it away after it is written or drawn on.Individually I feel like it would be best if we recycle it. If we have bins for paper we can get rid of all our loose pages that are wandering in our backpacks, brief cases, desks and more. Paper can be reused to create another peice of paper. There’s a process that it undergoes so it won’t end in a land fill. It becomes someone else’s responsibility when it gets thrown away. Whether it’s trashed or recycled, we have no opinion or say on where it will move next. Once it’s discarded, it’s no longer our issues. We should save the trees and allow them to produce cleaner oxygen that we breathe. Lets go paperless!

Dumpster Diving with my Nose Plugged

Ewww, me a dumpster diver. One of the most disgusting things I’ve done. Even through my doubled gloves I still felt the filthiness creeping up my finger tips. At my friends apartment, one of her neighbors threw away a desk. It was neither the fanciest nor the cheapest one I’ve ever seen but it was decent. We didn’t necessarily take it out the dumpster but with a whole 2 cans of Lysol and good wash, it could be back in use. To me there was nothing wrong with it. Maybe someone didn’t need it anymore but it was still able to be use. Instead of stoving it into a dumpster with trash, it could’ve been donated or given to the good will. For an item the wasn’t completely worn down or broken, doesn’t belong in the dumpster.


When toilets first began only the wealthy people had them. If you weren’t part of the upper class, it took years for you to get it in your homes. Having toilets were a sign of wealth, if you had one then it was implicated you had money. Cleaning the toilet was a female job, which I think is one of the nastiest thing to do. Cleaning after the household’s body fluids is gross. Why should the women have to be the one to take care of the toilet, it should’ve been who ever used it clean after themselves. Making jobs for just women is stupid. Whoever lives in the home should be responsible for their things. Yes, women are expected to stay home to clean and cook but there should be a boarder line on how much they have to do. If there are children around, they can pick up a chore and make the mom’s job a little easier. Team work makes the dream work, we shouldn’t have the women wore down from caring for children, cleaning, and cooking.

Comfort Zone of Shit

Often humans believe shit is gross. Whether it’s the shit we let out in our toilets or what is seen on the streets. Yes, it smells horrific and looks nasty, especially diarrhea but when it’s poop from an infant, animal or a beloved pet of ours we accept it. When our children, nieces, nephews, or child we baby sit poops its our job to change them. We are aware that they need are assistance and they can’t use the bathroom on their own so we take initiative and help them out. We smell the nastiness but its not as bad as dealing with poop out of our confort zone. For instance wild animals shit in public and we are okay with it because that their natural bathroom. We may walk around it but we don’t mind it because we think that’s normal. When it come to our personal pets we are okay with picking up their poop versus a stranger’s dog. We only deal with poop in our confort zone and when it doesn’t seem “normal” poop can be the nastiest thing in the world.

Place out of Matter

Something I use everyday that can be considered as waste is my plastic cup. Yes, I may use the cup a few more times after the first use but I eventually throw it away. It’s considered waste because once I feel as if its use is no longer needed then I no longer have to keep it. I would rinse the cup and reuse it for the day sometimes but I would not keep it for multiple days.


Mary Douglas implies that “washing, scrubbing, isolating, and disinfecting has only a superficial resemblance with ritual purification”. We focus a lot on hygiene and whether or not something is clean or dirty. For instance if the worshipers didn’t shower, they would be wasting time trying to pray because they were impure. Anyone who would be in contact with them, clean or dirty will become impure. In my cup scenario, since it’s been left on the counter for hours after being cleaned, it can become dirty because it’s an open cup and could easily be contaminated, therefore it’s a waste.