Paint water

I like to collage. I enjoy creating art, and because of this, I often end up with some waste after making my art. It makes sense that art creation produces waste, as you can’t use all the materials. Despite trying to minimize waste, there’s always some leftover. Since much of my journaling and collaging involve found materials, I tend to keep small scraps, even if I don’t have a specific purpose for them yet.

Another type of art waste I generate is paint water. I didn’t know for a while that it shouldn’t be poured down the drain. Acrylic paint water, when left to dry in a bucket, allows the water to evaporate, leaving behind the dried acrylic or other medium used. I only made the connection with the name “acrylic” later on.

When it comes to watercolors, unless they are sparkly, I usually pour them down the drain, even though I know I shouldn’t. The reason is that there’s a cat in my house, and I don’t want him to drink it and get sick. While I use him as an excuse, I know that it’s not the best practice. I might be in trouble if this pollution were completely prohibited, but it could be a good motivator to set up a system where I’m not just pouring it down the drain and leaching harmful materials into our water.