The Hoarding Tendencies of a Small Business Owner

I have a significant amount of a lot of items including graphic t-shirts and bags but neither of those compare to the amount of yarn that I have. There is yarn in a plastic tub, a basket, one of my desk drawers, in random bags and on my desk. There is probably yarn on me somewhere right now. There are also many completed crochet items around my room and that doesn’t even touch on my room back home which has an entire corner dedicated to it and even more finished things downstairs. This could be seen as hoarding, especially if I was a hobby crocheter, people always joke about a yarn addiction, but my yarn is technically materials for my small business and the completed items are my stock. When it all comes out of a tiny dorm room it can really seem like a problem and it probably still is at least a little bit but I am able to explain most of my hoarding fears away by reminding myself that the yarn provides a portion of my income. Where the actual problem comes in is when I keep buying yarn that I don’t actually need, which is a problem I am currently working through by refusing to buy yarn unless completely necessary. 


Yarn from reddit