Hoarding and Cleaning – prompt

Something in my immediate environment that there’s a significant amount of is clothing. Clothes to me are a way to express myself, so having that variety gives me something to look forward to, and it’s just fun. Even though I do wear all my clothes, an argument can be made that it’s a form of hoarding. A few times in the past I’ve held onto certain articles of clothing knowing I wasn’t really going to wear them. For example, being given clothes that I was very optimistic about and didn’t want to get rid of, in case they’d ask about it. Many people hoard clothes and it accumulates so much that it impacts their everyday life, and that is a more concrete example of clothes being hoarded. The ways we get clothes can also be problematic. Normalization of ‘shopping hauls’ and not wanting to be seen with the same thing twice is a societal issue we all engage in. Fast fashion additionally contributes to these unhealthy habits making us believe it is something we need, and unethical environments for factory workers. We should aim to get clothes we know for sure will be worn many times, as well as urge others to shop reused clothing.