Circle Economy

From my personal collection of items I own, my books are not in a circular economy. I buy them and I keep them forever, I hardly share them, and I don’t give them away. One thing I do try and do is buy used books, so that I can participate in some sort of circular economy that way, and if I really trust a person like one of my best friends or like my mom I will let them be borrowed. I have never given a book to be kept that I bought for myself, I do buy books as presents and give those away often. I’m not sure what physical components would need to change about a book for me to be more circular in nature with them but I do know that a lot of social things would need to change. I don’t trust people with books because a lot of people in my life don’t respect them and treat them the same way I do. I often used to receive the books back damaged and I even had a person steal some from me. I would need to see a change in treatments of other people’s belongings and books as a whole from the people I am closest to.