Waste in the way of normal

To be honest I am not sure what exactly this blog post is referring to. I think however, the time that waste got in my way of “normal” was probably during covid. For me I got really depressed and didn’t leave the floor of my room unless it was to go to the bathroom and that was it. I felt like I had lost everything good and trash started to get really bad in my room. It wasn’t for a while that I had a friend come over and like help me feel any sense of normal that I realized the trash in my room was a problem. Now that I was feeling okish, I couldn’t get better because my room was a mess and it made me feel worse. It was a horrible cycle of me trying to clean my room, getting depressed and then giving up. It was just some random day when I did finally clean my entire room, and I don’t know what happened but a switch was hit or something because that really helped me get more normal.