Matter out of place- Food packaging

A type of waste that I generally contribute a lot to is food packaging. I buy a lot of pre packaged meals and snacks in lieu of actually cooking, and the wrappers go straight to the trash. The wrappers are considered waste, in my opinion, because their original purpose has been served and they no longer have any use. Mary Douglas may say that this Trash is matter out of place because there is no correct place for the wrappers to be after they have served their purpose (other than in the trash can). I believe that they are also wasteful for another important reason- one that Mary Douglas doesn’t touch on but is increasingly relevant in our modern world- and that is the fact that this food packaging is very harmful to the environment as well as other people’s societies (landfills). Trash, especially plastic, isn’t biodegradable and ends up in the ocean and other natural habitats, harming animals. The production of plastics is also damaging to the environment. In my opinion, the positives of the convenience of food packaging don’t outweigh its negatives- making it waste. I do want to cut back on my consumption of these products, and I have gotten better with it recently.