Matter out of place

In class we discussed how dirt and other products would disgust us if they were in the wrong place. If dirt was found inside a house we would try to get rid of it but if it were outside no one would really mind. This thought process comes from our need to organize and how things need to be in a certain place or it will be messy and contaminating. This affected me a lot in my past as my family is half Asian and as a tradition we are very strict about shoes and dirt in the house while the other side of my family did the opposite. This rule mostly stems from tradition though as of recently is seen as a necessary as covid and other diseases can find a way in through “dirty matter”. This lesson showed how we as humans are against any sort of dirt or trash that is completely normal in small quantities. Trash in our world is only ok in our eyes when it is out of sight in a trash can or in a dump.