Distancing Infrastructure

Inside the Airport Lounge, there is a trash bin and a recycling bin right by the door that leads you to The Bridge.  I feel the trash’s positioning is connected to the idea of waste distancing. The placement of it by a door is common in most places (ex. classrooms). Harkening back to the first day of this course, where a pile of trash was in the center of the room, some more thoughts are coming to mind. While we discussed that seeing trash out in the open brought up many feelings, another thing to consider is how we weren’t seeing trash in its “proper place” within the classroom space, say being by the door. The arrangement of trash by a door allows for people to throw things away as they leave a space, a literal way of leaving the waste behind, and not taking it into another. But, once again this theme of disconnection and distancing. Something I find funny is that practically every time I am in the Airport Lounge, I hear someone ask where the trash is. This makes me wonder if a more centralized location would be beneficial in any way. Overall, this week’s readings and discussions made me think about how frequently the idea of distance is associated with waste, and whether there are ways to challenge this, while still offering convenient waste sites.